Corporate specialties


Leading Corporate Video Production Company in Dallas

Think Branded Media is your premier corporate video production company in Dallas and Fort Worth. We specialize in creating high-quality video content that elevates brand presence, enhances marketing strategies, and streamlines corporate communication.

Discover how our professional video production services can transform your corporate messaging into compelling videos that captivate and engage.


Expert Corporate Video Production Company

Think of us as your go-to corporate video production company in Dallas. We thrive on teamwork, partnering seamlessly with C-level executives and other organization members, resulting in compelling and resonant corporate video content. Instead of relying on scripts, we immerse ourselves in the world of real people, harnessing your message and making it digestible and memorable for the masses.

For years, we’ve been deeply entrenched in the video production industry, capturing the genuine stories of individuals and their businesses, and translating them into content that transcends the visual realm. Our work goes beyond the surface, aiming to inspire, educate, and foster true human connections, while earning you more business.



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Phases of Corporate Video Creation

Creating effective corporate video content requires working with a team of professionals to uncover your core goals, values, and messaging. Here’s how we work:

Initial consultation to understand your business, establish goals, estimated project timeline, and cost. Scope can be adjusted if necessary. We collect 50% of the payment up front.

Outline objectives and solidify schedules to maximize resources and execute plans effectively. One to two weeks of finalizing creative details and coordinating logistics.

Capture content that accurately documents your business in an engaging way. Organize and manage video and audio media to prepare for post-production.

Media management, video editing, adding licensed music, color-grading, graphics, and audio mixing. Facilitate an efficient workflow for client revisions.

Deliver your branded documentary assets through a downloadable link and an external hard drive.

Why Invest in Corporate Video Production?

A well-produced corporate video can significantly enhance your brand image by allowing you to communicate your company’s values, culture, and mission effectively. By sharing your story through video, you can create a strong emotional connection with your audience – whether your video is sentimental and uplifting or humorous and lighthearted.

Video is a highly engaging medium that captures and retains the viewer’s attention better than text or static images. Whether it’s a product demonstration, customer testimonial, or a corporate message from your CEO, video engages your audience and encourages them to stay connected with your brand.

Complex ideas or concepts can be challenging to convey through text alone. And, when delivering these messages without attractive visuals, you run the risk of users clicking past your content before they can even hear your message. Producing high-quality corporate videos offers your audience a dynamic way to simplify and explain intricate topics, making them more accessible to your audience. 

The same goes for internal communication. Whether you need to broadcast information on a new product, training procedure, or company value, producing and sharing corporate videos can help to improve internal communication, and ensure each employee fully engages with your important messages.

Last, but certainly not least, videos have the power to drive action. Whether you want your audience to make a purchase, subscribe to your newsletter, or sign up for a webinar, well-crafted corporate videos can lead to higher conversion rates. They make it easier for your audience to take the desired action by providing them with all the information they need – in a way they’ll actually engage with.

Amplify Brand Visibility With Corporate Video Production!

Corporate video production is a powerful tool that companies can leverage to significantly amplify their brand visibility. This dynamic method of storytelling not only captures attention but also effectively communicates your brand’s values, mission, and products or services. Here’s how you can utilize corporate video production in Dallas to enhance your brand’s presence and impact:

Showcase Your Unique Brand Story

A well-crafted corporate video tells your brand’s story in a way that resonates with viewers. By sharing your journey, challenges, successes, and unique aspects of your culture, you invite consumers to connect on a more personal level. This emotional connection can boost customer loyalty and attract new clients who feel aligned with your brand’s values.

Highlight Product Features and Benefits

Videos allow you to demonstrate the features and benefits of your products in a clear and engaging manner. Through creative visual storytelling, you can show your products in action and help potential customers understand how they can solve their problems or enhance their lives. This direct demonstration can be much more persuasive than traditional text-based advertising.

Enhance Online Presence

In the digital age, online presence is crucial, and videos significantly improve your visibility. Search engines favor content-rich websites, and videos are a major component of effective content strategies. By embedding videos on your website and sharing them across social media platforms, you can improve your SEO, increase dwell time, and reduce bounce rates.

Engage With Visual and Auditory Elements

Videos engage both the eyes and ears, offering a multi-sensory experience that can be more engaging than static images or text alone.

The use of high-quality visuals, compelling narration, and background music can make your corporate videos more memorable. This sensory engagement helps ensure that your message not only reaches your audience but sticks with them longer.

Getting Started

Before we begin, we want to get to know your business and your goals for the project. We’ll start with a consultation before moving on to creative planning and scope.


Initial meeting to discuss your brand and project goals.


Discuss objectives, coordinate logistics, and create schedules.


Submit an estimated timeline and project cost.

how we work


We work with you closely throughout the project – from getting to know your message and its purpose, to understanding conceptual and visual goals for the video.

Our Corporate Video Production Services

Think Branded Media offers a full suite of high-quality video production services from our bases in Dallas and Fort Worth. Our process begins with a thorough consultation to understand your vision, followed by detailed planning, filming, and post-production. We handle every aspect of corporate video production in Dallas, ensuring that each project delivers exceptional video content. We produce a variety of video types tailored to corporate needs:
  • Promotional Video: Drive your marketing strategy with videos that highlight your company’s strengths and market offerings.
  • Training Videos: Equip your staff with the knowledge they need through educational and engaging video content.
  • Animated Videos: Capture the imagination of your audience with dynamic animated sequences that explain complex ideas simply.
Utilizing the latest in video production technology, our work reflects the cinematic quality that stands out in the industry. Our advanced equipment and skilled technicians ensure that we deliver feature films-like aesthetics for every corporate video and commercial video, regardless of the scope.

Customization and Collaboration

Tailored Video Content

At Think Branded Media, we believe that every video should reflect the unique brand it represents. We collaborate closely with our clients to customize marketing videos that align perfectly with their business services and marketing goals. This bespoke approach allows us to create digital content that is not only engaging but also deeply resonant with the intended audience.

Collaborative Process

Our commitment to collaborative processes sets us apart from other corporate video production in Dallas. We involve our clients at every stage of the production process, ensuring that the final product is a true reflection of their vision and objectives. Our corporate clients consistently applaud the personalized attention and tailored solutions that result in successful video projects. Ready to amplify your message? Contact us today to start creating impactful corporate videos that resonate with your audience.


Corporate Video Production That Converts
