
Impress | Amplify | Engage

Branded Video Production Services

Branded Video Production Dallas: Elevating Your Brand's Story

Think Branded Media offers leading branded video production in Dallas. As your premier video production company, we specialize in high-quality video production services that tell compelling stories. We are not just a video production company; we are architects of compelling videos that tell stories, evoke emotions, and drive engagement. Whether you’re looking to inspire with corporate videos, dazzle with commercial content, or captivate with cutting-edge marketing videos, our team of experts brings unparalleled creativity and precision to every frame.

Bring Context to Your Brand

We are a branded documentary production company that loves to collaborate with ad agencies and marketers to create powerful and emotive documentary video content. Our core competency is unscripted storytelling. We interview real people and tell real stories that inspire and engage your audience.

With an experienced creative team able to conceptualize the most advanced business documentary videos, and a technical crew capable of bringing your desired visual elements to life, we are adaptable to your specific needs. Tell us your story and we’ll help you show and tell the world.

Telling Your Story Through Video Production: How We Do It

At Think Branded Media, located in the heart of Dallas and extending services to Fort Worth, we understand that every brand has a unique story.

Our mission is to transform your narrative into engaging, high-quality video content and visual storytelling that resonates with audiences and reinforces your brand identity. Here’s how we turn your visions into cinematic reality.

Understanding Your Story

The first step in our video production process is getting to know your brand, your goals, and the message you want to convey. This involves deep conversations with you, our client, to ensure that we capture the essence of what you stand for. We believe that a thorough understanding of your story is crucial to representing your brand authentically.

Crafting the Narrative

Once we have a solid understanding of your brand’s story, our creative team begins crafting a narrative that aligns with your objectives. This includes developing a script that speaks to your audience in a meaningful way, ensuring that the message is clear, impactful, and tailored to engage viewers. Our scriptwriting process is collaborative, giving you the opportunity to provide feedback and make adjustments to ensure the final product is exactly what you envisioned.

Bringing the Story to Life

With a compelling script in hand, our production team takes over. Using state-of-the-art video production technology and techniques, we capture high-quality footage that is both aesthetically pleasing and purposeful. Our directors, cinematographers, and crew members are skilled in creating a visual style that matches the tone and mood of your narrative, ensuring that every shot contributes effectively to the storytelling.

Post-Production Magic

The final stage of bringing your story to the screen is post-production. This phase is where our skilled editors, sound designers, and motion graphics artists work their magic. We refine the raw footage, edit for pacing and impact, integrate sound that enhances the visual experience, and add special effects and graphics that elevate the narrative. Our meticulous attention to detail in post-production ensures that your video is polished and professional.

Review and Refinement

Before final delivery, we engage in a review process with you to ensure the video meets your standards and expectations. This collaborative approach allows for any final tweaks and ensures that the video truly embodies your brand and message.



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Phases of Video Production

When it comes to creating artistic masterpieces, it’s all about finding flow. Here’s our flow:

Initial consultation to understand your brand, establish goals, and estimate timeline and cost. Scope can be adjusted if necessary. We collect 50% of the payment up front.

Outline objectives and solidify schedules to maximize resources and execute plans effectively. One to two weeks of finalizing creative details and coordinating logistics.

Capture content that accurately documents your brand in a captivating way. Organize and manage video and audio media to prepare for post-production.

Media management, video editing, adding licensed music, color-grading, graphics, and audio mixing. Facilitate an efficient workflow for client revisions.

Deliver your video assets through a downloadable link and an external hard drive.

The Power of Branded Business Documentaries

The benefits of branded documentary production are several fold. Documentary films in business are a powerful way to market your offerings and, more importantly, your brand’s personality, voice, and message. Many have embraced branded documentary production as one of their favorite types of media to consume. By making a business documentary film, you can effectively tap into a new audience and hold their interest by showing and telling them about your brand.

Whether you’re a new brand or a mature company looking to improve your marketing efforts, documentary films are a great way to build brand awareness. 

Professional documentary production makes your business more memorable. When people recognize your video, they’ll associate your brand with it and share it with their friends, family, and colleagues.

Branded documentary production creates a stronger connection with your audience. Your potential clients or partners don’t just want to know what you have to offer, but why you offer it in the first place. They want to know what inspires you. We’ll extract the most crucial points from your message and find a way to communicate it with those that matter most.

Motivating your customers to follow and maintain loyalty with your brand requires powerful and emotive messaging.

Business documentary films create a narrative between you and your audience, forming a connection that cannot be forgotten. When people see that you are passionate about what you do, they are more likely to trust you and be loyal to your brand. 

Think Branded Media can conceptualize, capture, and deliver healthcare videos that help you engage with patients and employees alike to increase trust, satisfaction, and retention rates. Tell us your messages and we’ll help you share it.

Harness the Power of Branded Business Video Production

As your go-to corporate video production company, we believe in a collaborative approach to video production. We work closely with you to understand your business goals and target audience, ensuring that every video we produce not only meets but exceeds your expectations.

  • Corporate Videos: Elevate your company’s profile with sleek, professional videos and feature films that encapsulate your corporate ethos and showcase your industry prowess.
  • Marketing Videos: Drive your marketing goals with promotional videos designed to enhance your campaigns, from explainer videos that simplify complex products to testimonial videos that build trust and credibility.
  • Commercial Videos: Grab attention with striking commercials that captivate potential customers, crafted to leave a lasting impression and drive sales.
  • Social Media Video Production: Boost your social media presence with dynamic videos optimized for engagement tailored for platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
  • Training and Educational Videos: Facilitate learning and internal development with clear, informative videos that are easy to understand and retain.

Getting Started

Before we begin, we get to know your brand and your goals for the documentary. We’ll start with a consultation before moving on to creative planning and scope.


Initial meeting to discuss your brand and project goals.


Discuss objectives, coordinate logistics, and create schedules.


Submit an estimated project timeline and cost.

how we work


Our production crew works closely with you throughout the project – from getting to know your brand and its purpose, to understanding the conceptual and visual goals for your video.


Ready to Start Your Video Production Journey?

Branded videos stand as powerful tools for storytelling, enabling businesses to communicate their message effectively and connect emotionally with their audiences. These videos are tailored to echo your brand’s values, amplify its message, and visually articulate what sets you apart from the competition.

Contact us today to kickstart your high-quality video production. Let’s tell your story through stunning visuals!

Branded Documentary Production That Builds Trust
