What’s the Difference Between Corporate and Promotional Videos?

It’s safe to say that video is king these days. 92% of B2B prospects watch videos online. People view four billion (that’s with a ‘B’) videos daily on YouTube. It’s estimated that about one-third of shoppers will buy a product or service after viewing a video ad. We can keep throwing stats at you, but you get it: if you’re not utilizing video in your marketing, you’re not reaching as many potential customers as you could be.


The majority of people who aren’t using video for their marketing endeavors are intimidated by getting started. If you know nothing about video, it can be daunting to think about where to begin. Today, we’re going to get down to the nitty-gritty on the two primary types of video content: corporate videos and promotional videos.


What Are Corporate Videos?


A corporate video is all about the company itself. Instead of pushing a product or service, its purpose is to raise awareness about the business to the community, potential customers and employees, as well as shareholders or possible investors. Corporate videos are focused on the brand and overall vision of a company. It speaks to who the company is and helps provide transparency and authenticity, something that the consumers of today demand. There are many different types of corporate videos, each one with a different purpose. Here are some examples. 


A company profile video is an introduction to the business and is geared toward potential stakeholders and customers. It’s sort of a broad strokes view of who a company is and what they specialize in. This is a great place to discuss a company’s history, purpose, values, and mission statement. A branding video is similar but is more focused on visuals. They help build brand awareness and allow a company to connect with customers. Branding videos will typically stick to your company’s brand guidelines for the tone, colors, and overall design.


Testimonial videos are one of the most popular and effective forms of corporate videos because they do a killer job of building trust and solidifying a business as an industry leader. When a potential customer lands on a video talking about pain points and solutions that relate to them, whether it’s of someone just like them or of a celebrity, they immediately feel a powerful connection to that brand. After all, they’re likely watching because they are looking for someone to help them solve a problem. 


Recruitment videos are designed to entice potential employees to want to be a part of the team. They focus on the company’s culture and what someone can expect once hired. Training videos help educate those new recruits and help set them up for success. These videos can be about specific job functions or just general policies and best practices within the company.


Benefits of Corporate Videos


Corporate videos have a range of benefits. People generally prefer video to reading text these days. Forbes Insight says even senior executives would rather watch video than pour over text, to the tune of 59%. It makes sense; video is engaging and is far better at forming a connection between someone and a brand than reading is.


They are also extremely cost-effective since they are reusable content. Instead of having live training sessions, companies can send training videos to new employees. Companies are able to skip the old school brochures and printed marketing materials and use video instead. They also make your website look more legit and help with SEO rankings. Some estimates say that websites with video are 50 times more likely to be ranked on page one. That’s many times!



What Are Promotional Videos?


Businesses use promotional videos for marketing a product, service, event, or anything else a business wants to advertise. TV commercials and ads on social media platforms like YouTube are the most common types of promotional videos. These are all about tickling that buying bone and building buzz about what your company specifically offers. There are LOTS of different kinds of promo videos. Here are a few.


Product videos are designed to showcase your product or service to your audience. They should show off all the bells and whistles and tell people why they can’t live without them. They can be animated or hosted by a live actor and allow for tons of creativity. Explainer videos are great when your offer is more complex or requires a more thorough explanation. If you make t-shirts, an explainer video probably isn’t necessary, but if you’re offering medical equipment, then perhaps it is.


Then, there are event videos. The most common example of an event video would be a wedding. In the corporate world, an event video could be a recap of a company outing (assuming it’s not raucous), a team volunteer day, or a charity event. These are great for showcasing an organization’s culture. Sales videos are useful for helping salespeople connect with a new or potential client and to simplify more complex info and build trust. They generally don’t require as high of production value, but they certainly can if a company wants to impress.


Benefits of Promotional Videos


Some of the benefits of promotional videos include higher sales conversions, SEO, and reusability. Businesses can hit various platforms with the same content, saving money and time. People love sharing videos with others as well. Whether they email or text it to a buddy or share it to their Instagram story, that’s all free marketing and goes a long way to promoting a brand.


Elevate Your Video Production With Help


Corporate and promotional videos provide massive value to any business. Corporate videos help promote a company and its values, while promotional videos help increase sales and connect with customers. If you’re looking to add or improve your video, you would benefit greatly from working with a professional video production company. A production company’s knowledge and skills will make your life easier and take the guesswork out of the process. 


Production companies are super creative but also understand that your business is your baby and you will always remain in control. You’ll be able to have professional-looking videos without having to buy a bunch of fancy equipment you have no idea how to use, and working with professionals will save you a ton of time.

For more information about utilizing video for your business, check out the different types of videos on our blog.
